Príspevky z konferencie EMNI 2013

Fred van Welsem: Presesence of the Mediator

Fred bol jedným z prvých mediátorov v Holandsku. Získal vzdelanie v USA a napomáhal v nastavení sprostredkovania kurzov pre profesionálov v Holandsku. Okrem toho bol vyškolený v Systémovej rodinnej terapii.


Dr. Noa Zanolli: Mediation – Help Paving the Way out of Crisis

Dr. Noa Zanolli je Švajčiarka žijúca v Berne. Je vyštudovaná základoškolská učiteľka, sociálna antropologička a zároveň je kvalifikovaným mediátorom. Od 1986 sa špecializovala na riešenie sporov a mediáciu, s dôrazom na vzdelávanie o riešení sporov a tvorbu pokojných vzťahov.

Arthur Trossen: From active to precise listening

Arthur Trossen  je praktizujúci mediátor a medzinárodný expert v alternatívnom riešení sporov. Po štúdiu práva a psychológie pracoval ako prokurátor vo veci úradnickej kriminality na medzinárodných súdnych sporoch. Neskôr pôsobil ako sudca, do roku 1998.


Aleksandra Weber, MD, Phd: Mediation as a conflict resolution tool for managing multiprofessional international teams and delivering sustainable results

Kardiogička a mediátorka skúsená v:

Dr. Stephan Proksch, MAS: Mediation as a tool for Conflict Management in Organizations


Lyubka Vasileva – Karapanova: Mediation as an opportunity to fight Economic Crisis

Lawyer with experience in civil and commercial law, protection of intellectual property rights /trademarks/, litigation and ADR. Registered mediator. Mediation trainer with experience in trainings on domestic and cross border mediation. Member of the CIArb – London, co-founder and Vice president of the Professional Association of Mediators in Bulgaria /PAMB/. Mediator at PAMB, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, volunteer mediator at the Court Settlement Center at Sofia Regional Court; in the list of mediators and arbitrators at WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center. Co-author of the Bulgarian chapter of the book “International Commercial Arbitration Practice & Procedure – Enforcement of Foreign Awards”, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. – India.


Linda Reijerkerk: Mediation: paving the way out of crisis?

Zuzana Vasičáková Očenášová is a mediator and dance movement therapist, based in Bratislava. She holds degrees Mgr. in law and MSc. in communication. She is a registered mediator in  Slovakia since 2005. She supervised the mediation program in the Centre of legal aid for low-income people.. Participated at the Probation and mediation services development project within the Ministry of Justice in 2012. Absolved a three-years training in dance-movement therapy, as a dance movement therapist works with different populations. Co-founded and cooperates with Laban Atelier Bratislava. Student of long-term processwork psychtherapy training. Expert for Slovak republic in the “Good Practices in Community Conflict Management in the Central Eastern European Region” research project coordinated by Hungarian Ministry of Interior in 2011 – 2013.

Zuzana Vasičáková Očenášová: Trap of a wrong question : Work with emotions in mediation through non-verbality and body-language


Mag. Marianus Mautner: Peer Mediation – Learning for Life

Mag. Cath. Theology, Religious Pedagogy,  Social Pedagogy, Mediation, Supervision, Education Science.

Academic Course Director and Trainer of mediation and peer mediation at the Teachers Trainings College Vienna/Krems,

Course Director of the peer mediation system at the International Business College Hetzendorf, Vienna, and

Director of the “Academy of Mediation and Character Building”, www.akademie-fü


mobilphone: 0043-676-3014381

Prof. PaedDr. Vladimír Labáth, PhD., PhDr. Jana Pružinská, PhD.: Konflikty – zvládať, riešiť, liečiť?

Gesine Otto: Fit for fairness – The attitude of mediation from the beginning

Gesine Otto, year 1972 / Mainz (Germany)
Diploma social pedagogue (1998)
Mediator (1999)
August 2013 till August 2015 in Vienna (Austria)


Adema, Alewijn: Mediating disputes between citizens and public authorities – “Fair play on both sides”


Drs J.J. Démoed

: It is a time of crisis – the regional and local government have to invest in ADR through spatial planning and local taxes:


Kaijus Ervasti: Court Mediation in Finland

Doctor of Laws, Head of Administration, Senior Researcher (National Research Institute of Legal Policy), Associate professor (docent, University of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland), Member of the Executive  of Nordic Network of Court Mediation. I have written 22 books or research reports and about 150 articles.

Marko Irsic, MA: Proactive workplace mediation

Is Founder and CEO of Rakmo Institute, mediator and mediation trainer, Chairman of the Scientific board of Association of Slovene Mediation Associations and president of European Association for Transformative Mediation.
He is author of two books- in Slovene Language: Umetnost obvladovanja konfliktov (The art of conflict management, 2004) and Mediacija (Mediation, 2010)
He was a chairman of organising committee of 1st International Congress on Transformative Mediation in November 2011 and in 2013 obtained title Certified Transformative from the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation.



PhDr. Lenka Holá, Ph.D. působí jako odborná asistentka na katedře politologie a společenských věd Právnické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci.

Svou pedagogickou, publikační a výzkumnou činnost dlouhodobě zaměřuje na problematiku mediace. V praxi působí jako mediátorka zejména rodinných konfliktů, lektorka mediace a supervizorka mediačních týmů.

Soňa Kariková:  Effective Cross boarder Communication whilst resolving intercultural disputes

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